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Gareth McKinley

Contact Info

room 3-254

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

77 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139


  • 1991


  • 1986


  • 1985



Research Interests

Superhydrophobic, Superoleophobic and Ice-phobic Surfaces

Jets and Sprays

Food and biofluid rheology

Extensional rheometry

Viscoelastic Flow Instabilities

Optical instrumentation (PIV, Birefringence, tomography) for complex fluids

Microfluidic devices for complex fluids

Flow Assurance in the presence of waxes, hydrates and asphaltenes

Nanocomposite rheology

Hydrogels and Fractal Gels

Time-Dependent and Time-Evolving Materials

Fractional Calculus




Honors + Awards

Corresponding Member of the Australian Academy of Science, 2023

SES G.I. Taylor Medal Recipient, 2022

Fellow of the Royal Society of London, 2019

National Academy of Engineering, 2019

Honorary Chair, Swansea University, June 2018

Gold Medal of the British Society of Rheology, Dec. 2014

The Bingham Medal of the Society of Rheology, Oct. 2013

Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot Lecturer, University of Wisconsin, Jan. 2010

Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2007

Society of Rheology Publication Award, 2007

Frenkiel Award, APS-DFD, 2002



Fellow of the Royal Society

National Academy of Engineering, Member

Society of Rheology, President (2015-2017)

US National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, USNC/TAM, President (2016-2018)

APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Fellow

ASME, Member

British Society of Rheology, Honorary Lifetime Member


Professional Service

Editorial Board, J. Rheology

Editorial Board, Rheol. Acta

Editorial Board, J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mechanics

Editorial Board, Applied Rheol. 

Associate Editor, J. Fluid Mechanics 2007-2009

Executive Editor, JNNFM 1999-2009

MIT Service

Chair, Institute Committee on Nominations, 2014

Interim Department Head, July 2013.

Associate Department Head, 2008-2013

Engineering Council, 2008-2013

Head, MechE Area 1 (MMEC; Mechanics, Modeling, Experiment and Computation), 2005-2008

Director, Program in Polymer Science and Technology, 2004-2009.

Faculty Quality of Life Committee, Co-Chair, 2002



Selected publications (from 275+ overall); see for papers since 2012. (For older papers see

Pahlavan, A., Cueto-Felgueroso L. Hosoi, A. E., McKinley, G.H., Juanes, R., Thin Films in Partial Wetting, J. Fluid. Mech., (2018), 845, 642-681.

Panchanathan, D., Kwon, G., Qahtan T. F., Gondal, M.A., Varanasi, K.K., McKinley, G.H., Kineticsof Photoinduced Wettability Switching on Nanoporous Titania Surfaces under Oil, Adv. Mat. Interfaces.(2017), 4(21) 1700462.

Ewoldt, R.H., McKinley G.H., Mapping Thixo-Elasto-Visco-Plastic BehaviorRheol. Acta (2017); 56(3), 195-210. DOI 10.1007/s00397-017-1001-8

Jamali, S., McKinley, G.H., Armstrong, R.C., Microstructural Rearrangements and Their Rheological Implications in a Model Thixotropic Elasto-Visco-Plastic Fluid, Phys. Rev. Lett., (2017), 118, 048003.

Barbati, A.J., Desroches, J., Robisson, A., McKinley, G.H.  Complex Fluids and Hydraulic Fracturing, Ann. Rev. Chem and Biochem Eng.(2016), 7, pp. 415-453.  DOI: 10.1146/annurev-chembioeng-080615-033630.

Keshavarz, B., Houze, E.C., Moore, J. R., Koerner, M. R., McKinley, G.H. Ligament-Mediated Fragmentation of Viscoelastic Liquids, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2016),117154502. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.154502.

Ma, L., Wang, J.J., Marconnet, A.M., Barbati,A.C., McKinley, G.H., Chen, G., Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Stable Graphite Suspensions near Percolation,  Nanolet (2015), 15, 127-133.

Wei TS, Fan FY, Helal A, Smith KC, McKinley GH, Chiang YM, et al. Biphasic Electrode Suspensions for Li-Ion Semi-solid Flow Cells with High Energy Density, Fast Charge Transport, and Low-Dissipation Flow. Advanced Energy Materials. (2015), 5(15): 7.

Keshavarz B, Sharma V, Houze E.C., Koerner M.R., Moore J.R., Cotts P.M., Threlfall-Holmes, P., McKinley, G.H. Studying the Effects of Elongational Properties on Atomization of Weakly Viscoelastic Solutions using Rayleigh Ohnesorge Jetting Extensional Rheometry (ROJER). J. Non-Newt Fluid Mech. (2015), 222, 171-189. DOI:

Sharma, V., S.J Haward, J. Serdy, B. Keshavarz, A. Söderland, P. Threlfall-Holmes and G.H. McKinley, The Rheology of Aqueous Solutions of Ethyl Hydoxy-Ethyl Cellulose (EHEC) and its Hydrophobically-Modified Analogue (hmEHEC): Extensional Flow Response in Capillary Breakup, Jetting (ROJER) and in a Cross-Slot Extensional Rheometer.  Soft Matter, (2015), 11, 3251 – 3270;  DOI: 10.1039/C4SM01661K

Srinivasan, S., Kleingartner, J., Milne, A.J.B.M, Cohen, R.E., McKinley, G.H., Sustainable Drag Reduction in Turbulent Taylor-Couette Flows by Depositing Sprayable Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett., (2015), 114,  014501

Gondal, M.A., Sadullah, M.S., Panchanathan, D., McKinley, G.H., Varanasi, K.K., Study of Factors Governing Oil-Water Separation Process using TiO2 Films Prepared by Spray-Deposition of Nanoparticle Dispersions, ACS Appl. Mat & Int. 6(16), (2014). 13422-13429.


Park, K.-C., S. Srinivasan, S.S. Chhatre, R.E. Cohen, and G.H. McKinley, Fog Harvesting Mesh Surfaces. Langmuir, (2013), 29(43), 13269-13277,

Haward, S.J., M.S.N. Oliveira, M.A. Alves, and G.H. McKinley, An Optimized Cross-Slot Geometry for Microfluidic Extensional Rheometry. Phys. Rev. Lett., (2012), 109, 128301(1-5).

Park, K.-C., H. Choi, C.-H. Chang, R.E. Cohen, G.H. McKinley, and G. Barbastathis, Nanotextured Silica Surfaces with Robust Superhydrophobicity and Omnidirectional Broadband Supertransmissivity. ACS Nano, (2012) 6(5), 3789-3799.

Srinivasan, S., Chhatre, S.S., Mabry, J.M., Cohen, R.E., McKinley G.H., Solution Spraying of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Blends to Fabricate Micro-Textured, Superoleophobic Surfaces, Polymer (2011), 52(14), 3209-3218.

Tuteja, A., Choi, W., Mabry, J.M., Cohen, R.E. and McKinley, G.H., Robust Omniphobic Surfaces, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 105(47), (2008), 18200-18205

Ewoldt, R.H., McKinley, G.H. and Hosoi, A.E., New Measures for Characterizing Nonlinear Viscoelasticity in Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear, J. Rheol.52(6), (2008), 1427-1458.Tuteja, A., Choi, W., Ma, M., Mabry, J.M., Mazzella, S.A., Rutledge, G.C., Cohen, R.E. and McKinley, G.H., Designing Superoleophobic Surfaces, Science, 318 (2007), 1618-1622.

Liff, S.M., Kumar, N. and McKinley, G.H., High Performance Elastomeric Nanocomposites via Solvent Exchange Processing, Nature Materials, (2007), 6(1), 76-84.

Lau, K.S.K., Bico, J., Teo, K.B.K., Chhowalla, M., Amaratunga, G.A.J., Milne, W., McKinley, G.H., Gleason, K. K., Superhydrophobic Carbon Nanotube Forests, Nanoletters, 3(12), (2003), 1701-1705.


US Patent # 5,588,509 Splined Vibration Device Using ER Fluids  (w/ Bridgestone Corp.)

US Patent # 6,711,941 Braithwaite G, McKinley G.H., Spiegelberg S.H., Apparatus and Methods for Measuring Extensional Rheological Properties of a Material (w/ Cambridge Polymer Group).

U.S. Patent #6,852,772 Muratoglu, Orhun; Spiegelberg Stephen H.; McKinley, Gareth H.; A High Modulus Crosslinked Polyethylene with Reduced Residual Free Radical Concentration Prepared Below the Melt; (w/ Cambridge Polymer Group); continued by U.S. Patent #7,166,650.

U.S. Patent # 7,896,019, S. Deshmukh, G. Bettin, G.H.McKinley, "Active Controlled Energy Absorber Using Responsive Fluids".

U.S. Patent #7,304,097 B2 (continuation); Dec 4, 2007; continued by US #7,505,774;  Muratoglu, Orhun; Spiegelberg Stephen H.; McKinley, Gareth H.; High Modulus Crosslinked Polyethylene with Reduced Residual Free Radical Concentration Prepared Below the Melt.

US Patent 9,120,669; Issued 9/1/15:  C. Chang, H. Choi, K. Park, G.H. McKinley, R.E. Cohen,G. Barbastathis;  “Process for Fabricating High Aspect Ratio Tapered nanocone Structures”.

US Patent #9,289,302; March 22, 2016 Thomas, B., Charlebois, S.J., Yakimicki, D., Mason, J., Spiegelberg, S.H., Braithwaite, G., McKinley, G., Muratoglu, O. Mosaicplasty Constructs,  US Patent. Filed 7/20/99; (issued 3/22/16). 

US Patent #9,469,083. Issued 10/18/16. H. Choi, J.-G. Kim,, K.-C. Park, R.E. Cohen, G. Barbastathis, G.H. McKinley; “Inverted Nanocone Structures for Multifunctional Surfaces and their Fabrication Process”; U.S. Patent Filed 13/932.066. 

US Patent #9,352,258. Issued 2/11/2016.  K.-C. Park, S. Chhatre, R.E. Cohen, G.H. McKinley,Liquid-Collecting Permeable Structure(MIT Disclosure #15712 filed January 18, 2013;). US Patent Application 61/751,039. 

US Patent #9,650,518. Issued 5/16/2017.  A.J. Meuler, J. M. Mabry, R.E. Cohen, G.H. McKinley Liquid Repellent Surfaces, Submitted 1/4/13; MIT case 14679; USPTO 13/734,446. 

US Patent 10,034,958. Issued 7/31/18.  A. Gaharwar, R.K. Avery, G. H. McKinley, A. Khademhosseini, B. D. Olsen; “Injectable and Self-Healing Nanocomposite Hydrogels for the Treatment of Hemorrhagic Shock", USPTO US61/836,761. 

US Patent 10,202,711; Issued 2/12/19. A. Tuteja, W. Choi, J. Mabry, G. H. McKinley, R. E. Cohen, “Tunable Surfaces”,

An additional 10 disclosures are in various stages of preparation with MIT TLO.