Ph.D.Human-Robot Interactions
Human Augmentation
Digital Transformation
Rehabilitation Robotics
Agricultural Robotics
The 2009 Isabelle and Leonard H. Goldenson Technology and Rehabilitation Award, Cerebral Palsy International Research Foundation (CPIRF).
IEEE Fellow (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - Class of 2014
Nominated “for contributions to rehabilitation robotics and the understanding of neuro-rehabilitation” by IEEE-EMBS (Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society) and IEEE-RAS (Robotics and Automation Society)
2015 IEEE INABA Technical Award for Innovation leading to Production “for contributions to medical technology innovation and translation into commercial applications for Rehabilitation Robotics” awarded by IEEE-RAS (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Robotics and Automation Society)
Adjunct Assistant Research Professor of Neuroscience, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 2002 to 2007
Adjunct Research Professor of Neuroscience, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 2008 to 2010
Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland, School of Medicine Department of Neurology, 2006 to 2022
Visiting Professor, Fujita Health University (Japan), School of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2013 to present
Visiting Professor, Newcastle University (UK), Institute of Neuroscience, 2014 to 2020
Visiting Professor, Osaka University (Japan), Department of Mechanical Science and Bioengineering, 2015 to present
Visiting Professor in Rehabilitation Robotics, Loughborough University (UK), The Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical, and Manufacturing Engineering, 2016 to present
Distinguished Guest Professor, Sogang University (South Korea), College of Engineering, 2019 to 2021
Guest Professor, Keio University (Japan), Department of System Design Engineering, 2021 to present
Member Scientific Board PhD Programme Bioengineering, Applied Science and Intelligent Systems , University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome (Italy), 2016 to present
Member Scientific Board of Advisors Healthcare Engineering Innovation Center (HEIC), Khalifa University of Science and Technology (UAE), 2018 to 2020
2021-2022 IEEE-EMBS Distinguished Lecturer
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Fellow
Founder 4Motion Robotics, 2017
Chief Science Officer & Board of Directors, Bionik Laboratories, 2016 to 2017
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Interactive Motion Technologies, 1998 to 2016
Engineer & Consultant, Casper, Phillips & Assoc., 1993 to 2013
Visiting Researcher, Sumitomo Heavy Industry, Yokosuka, Japan, 1989
Surveyor, American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Sao Paulo Office, Brazil, 1980 to 1986
Board of Scientific Advisors, Acorda Therapeutics, Inc 2010 to 2011
Consultant, Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), 2010 to 2013
Consultant, Wyeth Pharmaceutical Inc, 2006 to 2010
Consultant, Block Engineering, 2004
Consultant, Schick (Warner-Lambert), 1998 to 2001
for updated list - see
Krebs, “Shelfship-Shelftainer: a new concept in container transport,” Japan Application Patent, Utility Model 102599, 31 August 1989.
Hogan, Krebs, Sharon, Charnnarong, “Interactive Robotic Therapist, ” US Patent No. 5,466,213, November 1995.
Hogan, Krebs, “System and Method for Medical Imaging Utilizing a Robotic Device, and Robotic Device for Use in Medical Imaging,” US Patent No. 5,794,621, August 1998.
Krebs, Hogan, Williams, Celestino, “Wrist And Upper Extremity Motion,” US Patent No. 7,618,381, November 2009.
Krebs, Hogan, Williams, Wheeler, “Ankle Interface – Robotic Device for Ankle Rehabilitation,” US Patent (submitted)
Krebs, Masia, “Converting Rotational Motion into Radial Motion,” US Patent (submitted)
Krebs, Hogan, Roberts, “Pelvis Interface – Mobile Pelvis Manipulator or System and Method for Rehabilitation of Gait and Balance Utilizing Automation Technology and Robotic Devices,” US Patent No. 7,556,606, July 2009.
Krebs, Hogan, Roberts, “Pelvis Interface,” US Patent No. 8,608,674 B2, 17 Dec 2013.
Bosecker, Krebs, “System and Method for Training Gait of Neurologically Impaired Patients via Gravity Augmentation,” US Patent No. 8,684,890, Issued December 2013 (embodiment patent).
Bosecker, Krebs, “Dynamic Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robotic Apparatus and Method of Rehabilitating Human Gait,” US Patent No. 8,684,890 B2, Issued April 2014 (methods patent).
Krebs, Davidson, “Antagonistically driven differential for mechanical actuator,” US Patent No. 11,022,206 B1, Issued June 2021
Krebs, Davidson, Alencastre-Miranda, “Robotic Solution for Automated Sugarcane Planting,” Application US 62/697,231.